Kvantitativní analýza s využitím hmotnostní spektrometrie
Klíčová slova:
mez detekce, citlivost, odstup od šumu, detekční mez metody, instrumentální mez detekce, mez kvantifikace, interní standard, kalibrační křivkaAbstrakt
The present paper is an overview of basic concepts important for quantitative mass spectrometry, such as limit of detection, sensitivity, signal-to-noise ratio, method detection limit, instrument detection limit, limit of quantification, and calibration curve model. The topics are mainly covered from the perspective of small molecule LC-MS. The text includes detailed discussion of different approaches that can be used to define limit of quantification, from traditional signal-to-noise ratio and standard deviation definition to more recent definitions utilizing accuracy and precision. Usage of internal standards and certified materials is also briefly described.